Rhémy de Noël - Pai Mu Tan white tea and Chun Mee green tea
Pai Mu Tan White Tea, Chun Mee Green Tea, Apple, Cinnamon Sticks, Orange Peel, Ginger (Ginger, Raw Cane Sugar), Walnuts, Cloves, Natural Flavor, Cardamom.
Products from organic farming.
Infusion temperature: 70/80°
Infusion time: 1/2 min.
100 g can
Thé de Noël
For Christmas we thought of something special, the harmony of Chun Mee green tea combines with our finest tea, white Pai Mu Tan, with the heady scent of orange zest, ginger, walnuts. And again nails of carnation, cardamom, raw cane sugar. All enclosed in a festive package to give and to treat yourself.